Bachman-Turner Overdrive, led by the legendary Randy Bachman, is renowned for their powerhouse performances and classic rock anthems like "Takin' Care of Business," "You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet," and "Let It Ride." BTO has sold over 30 million albums worldwide. Their 1974 album Not Fragile went double platinum, reaching No. 1 on the U.S. Billboard 200 chart, making them the first Canadian band to achieve this level of success in the United States. In 2014, Bachman-Turner Overdrive was inducted into the Canadian Music Hall of Fame, recognizing their contributions to music and their enduring legacy as one of Canada's most successful rock bands.In 2023, Bachman revived BTO, bringing together a talented lineup including Mick Dalla-Vee, Brent Knudsen, Marc LaFrance, and his son, Tal Bachman. This latest incarnation of BTO blends the timeless energy of their classic hits with fresh, dynamic performances, making them a must-see act for rock enthusiasts.“Randy Bachman and BTO are rock legends, and we’re excited to bring their powerhouse performance to FireKeepers,” said Jim Wise, VP of Marketing at FireKeepers Casino Hotel. “Their timeless hits and incredible energy will make for a truly electrifying experience."Get your tickets and prepare to “Get Your Vegas On” with a night of legendary rock music!